Saturday, January 30, 2010

paintings etc...

Still life done at the Academy of the Southside

Another still life...

Rough lay in of a painting of Lauren - one of the better models here in Pittsburgh.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Drawings etc.

Here are more drawings/studies for something new that I'm working on. These are related to the studies I posted about a week ago for the same piece. The model is one of Pittsburgh's best - the amazing Ron Lessig.

Ron's back - I've been using toned paper with white charcoal a lot and I love it!!!

Legs - same toned paper & white charcoal - this one uses graphite for the darks and contours instead of charcoal.

This oil sketch was done mainly to record some color relationships - I like to try and record a general impression of warms/cools, values, etc. & work from the drawings to recreate the colors from memory. I'm not as worried about the accuracy of the drawing at this point (as you can see!).

Sunday, January 3, 2010

More Plein air paintings...

Here are a few more plein air paintings which I've never posted on line.
For those of you that are curious, all of these paintings were done on-site in one sitting.

Fall Run State Park (Fall 2009)

Ohiopyle (Fall 2009)

Ohiopyle (Fall 2009)

Clarion River
(This one is a watercolor done from a drawing.)

Yosemite Valley (Fall 2008)